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Daniel W. Want to Be:
- A Man who practices self-Love daily;
- In the future be in a committed successful relationship;
- Be able to travel to a lot of the World, with other travel friends and perhaps Family (Cousins);
- Able to spend a few harsh Winters in a sunny & warm climate location;
- Attract people into my circle who are trusting reliable friends;
- Celebrate every day in a unique way;
- Be content with my life and accentuate the positive;
- To keep growing by trying new things to learn and experience;
- Someone who does not worry excessively causing undue stress;
- To be able to pursue and enjoy many new things and have leisure and pleasure.
The Person Issa Ibrahim Wants to Be:
- I want to be more empathetic and compassionate.
- I want to be more forgiving of others and myself.
- I want to continue to shed the emptiness of earthly wants and desires.
- I want to be more loving and patient with my partner.
- I want to try to formulate a better relationship with my traumatized rescue cat Cray Cray.
- I want to continue and do better to provide for my family.
The Person James Kerr Wants to Be:
- Kind
- considerate
- empathetic all the time
- patient
- funny when appropriate
- humble all the time
- Wears deodorant all the time
The Person Kane Balser Wants to Be:
- Happy and enjoying life
- Hard Working towards my goals
- Making people happy
- Connecting with people
- And achieving great things
The Person Fred Tenzer Wants to Be:
- I want to be considerate of children, teenagers, and adults with physical disabilities, mental illness, and all other disabilities.
- I want to have diversity in my circle of friends and thus, I want to include (1) people without disabilities and (2) people with physical disabilities, people with mental illness, and people with all other forms of disabilities among my friends.
- I refuse to harm poor people and I refuse to make anyone poor.
- I want to be enabled to afford to live in a neighborhood where someone is willing to be friends with me, that I have diversity in my circle of friends, as previously mentioned, and want my home to have at least one bedroom.
- I want to live in a world where nothing that a person does (including answering the call of nature) is anything to be embarrassed about.
- I want to be a good husband, father, and grandfather.
- I want to be an activist and an advocate.
- I want to create fully inclusive schools and to cause, encourage, and promote friendships between children and teenagers with disabilities and children and teenagers without disabilities, the same for adults, and to also create inter-generational friendships and friendships within one’s own age too.
- I want to create a society where compassion is the foundation of this society and where it is not cool to tease a child, a teenager, or an adult with a disability.
The Person Greg Parnell Wants to Be:
- Funny…because I always wanted to be like everyone else…Now I wouldn’t want to be anyone but who I am.
- I am Funny – (at least I think so)
- Compassionate
- Kind
- Intrepid – google it
- Fearless
- Inspiring
- Supportive
- Hopeful
- Takes Personal Responsibility
- Occasionally Fun to be around
The Person Robert Roberts Wants to Be:
- I want to be a person who is able to reach everyone I try to help thru support groups I help run.
- I wish I could sing, so I could enjoy Karaoke.
- I would like to solve some of my health issues, so I can attend events like I used to.
The Person Eva Tortora Wants to Be:
- organized
- more loving
- more open
- more compassion
- more creative
- better cook!
- better with social situations
- more fun!!!!!
The Person Jenny Chan Wants to Be:
- An artist
- A better writer
- Be a better cook
- More friendly
- More courageous
The Person Harvey Newman Wants to Be:
- I want to be my evolving authentic self.
The Person Antonio Matta Wants to Be:
- I want to be the fullest and most impeccable incarnation of the divine spark within me and continue to be a caregiver for humanity.
The Person Dan Frey Wants to Be:
- Someone who always acts and talks from a place of Love rather than Fear
- Someone who is always Joyful
The Person Hung Le Wants to Be:
- A Role Model: Someone who exemplifies discipline, continuous learning, and the pursuit of diverse passions.
- A Problem-Solver: A professional equipped to tackle challenges in legal, medical, and social contexts.
- A Community Builder: Through peer-support initiatives and legal services, I foster resilience and empowerment.
Professional Development
- Expand Impact: Use my legal, medical, and public health expertise to influence policy or systems that help marginalized communities.
- Thought Leadership: Publish articles or speak on platforms about integrating law, healthcare, and peer support to address systemic challenges.
Personal Branding
- Mission Statement: Develop a personal mission statement based on my guiding phrase. For example: “I strive to be a resourceful leader who inspires others to achieve their full potential by setting an example of service, continuous growth, and resilience.”
- Networking: Align with organizations that reflect my multidisciplinary background to amplify my influence.
- Inspire Others: Create workshops or mentorship programs in fields like peer support, professional development, or navigating complex career paths.
- Lead by Example: Share stories of overcoming challenges, balancing diverse roles, and pursuing purpose-driven goals.
The Person Noelle Maria Pollet Wants to Be:
- I am destined to become clear water, and I will flow wherever, and however, God decrees.
- I will become ever more willing and able to allow God’s expression through me.
- I will achieve this by continuing to divest myself of obstacles to love through using liberating breakthrough processes, spending time intimately connected to God, standing aside so Love flows through, and any other means that appear.
- I will joyfully serve whoever God puts in my way, in whatever way I am Guided to.
- I will be remembered as a woman who became clear water that helped cleanse this planet at a time it was necessary
- The legacy I leave for my children, my grandchildren and all the children of Heaven on earth is my contribution to bringing Heaven to earth. And so it is… amen.
The Person Liza Beckerman Wants to Be:
- Kind
- Helpful
- Financially independent so I can help my parents
- No more anger or feeling like a victim
- Disability advocate & peer
- Using art therapy to help people
- A great cook and host dinner parties
- Fit and help others learn how to be healthy through weight training, swimming
- Learn ballroom dancing
- All around, I want to be happy and healthy and helpful!
The Person Christopher Huber Wants to Be:
- Committed to seeking truth and justice in all matters
- Learn how to play an instrument and share ideas through creative expression (songwriting?)
- Become a doctor (not a medical doctor though)
- Become a professor at a university
- Start a non-profit agency to help peers accomplish their goals
- Learn how to live well and develop a lifestyle that I don’t have to cope from
- Initiate innovative mental health research that focuses on solving root causes
- Highlight the reality of circumstances that some people don’t want to talk about
- Meet my dream girl somewhere convenient and develop a plan together to change the world for the better
- Learn how to focus on my own health, wellbeing, and priorities rather than always devoting my energy to helping others
- Eliminate ancillary responsibilities that are not serving my personal interests or values
- Become someone that I am proud to be
- Become a leader of an accredited Clubhouse in the state of Illinois (we don’t have one!), which may require me to just start one with other colleagues
- Become a published author
- Become a musical sensation
- Become famous enough to be invited to VIP events across the globe
- Do something useful with my existing written content (mostly journals about life and the dreams I have had)
- Learn how to paint so I can recreate visions from my dreams and share them with others
- Finish writing the mental health counseling and rehabilitation script(s) I started (school assignment) and consider if I could turn them into a play or movie
- Continue striving to be a minimalist and reduce physical and psychological clutter in my life
- Further develop the concept of Financial Trauma and write a book about it
- Solve riddles that Batman would be proud of
- Become my own version of Joker and share truth through comedy
- Become an atypical hero in the lives of the downtrodden
- Fix the state’s dysfunctional systems of care and rampant corruption
- Create a life that people strive to emulate
- Become a galactic explorer and develop a cool uniform for the job
- Learn how to “make time” because I don’t have enough to accomplish all these goals
The Person Lashanda Woods Wants to Be:
- I would like to be a Humanitarian
- I would like to be a person who is spoken about long after I’m gone
- I want to be a better listener
- I want to be less critical of myself and others
- I want to be a better wife
- I want to be a better provider
- I want to be better financially
- I want to be a happier
The Person Frank Qu Wants to Be:
- able to cook the best mashed potatoes
- Cured of mental illness and stigma
- able to provide hope for the hopeless
- able to tell my story
- Creative
- a good family man
- empathetic
- a kind person
- addiction free
- able to be understood by people
- Able to invent new things
- able to heal from trauma
- forgiven for mistakes
- a humorous person
- a high IQ man
- Optimistic
- Caring
- Alive
- Liked
Craig R. Bayer is content being himself, but he tries to emulate:
- Shimon Peres
- All his favorite writers, including Hemingway and DH Lawrence
Kurt Sass Wants to be a Person:
- Who is a blessing to others.
- Who doesn’t gossip and only speaks good of others.
- Who makes mistakes. But forgives himself.
- Has compassion and forgives others.
- Enjoys life even while going through problems.
- Protects his peace.
- Enjoys his journey.
- Appreciates life.
- Let’s his emotions subside before he decides.
- Let’s his son be his teacher.
- Avoids social media.
- Knows he has the right not to voice his opinion.
- Has spiritual maturity.
The Person Max Guttman Aspires to Be:
- I strive to be a person who embodies empathy and intellectual curiosity, fostering connections that challenge assumptions and deepen understanding.
- I aim to cultivate forgiveness—both for myself and others—by embracing imperfection as an essential part of growth and progress.
- I seek to transcend the distractions of external validation, focusing instead on meaningful contributions to the mental health field and beyond.
- I aspire to lead with patience and humility, recognizing that effective leadership emerges from collaboration and mutual respect.
- I am committed to refining my creative and academic voice, shaping narratives that inspire critical thinking and drive innovation.
- I endeavor to balance the demands of professional responsibility with personal reflection, creating a life that is both impactful and deeply fulfilling.
- I aspire to cultivate a life marked by equilibrium, balancing the demands of leadership and advocacy with personal fulfillment and well-being.
- I dedicate myself to being a transformative force, uplifting my community and contributing meaningfully to the discourse surrounding mental health and recovery.
- I aspire to be a steadfast advocate for change, challenging systemic barriers and advancing equity and dignity for all.
The Person Michelle Hammer Wants to Be:
- I just want to be me
Charles Feldman Wants to Be:
- making progress in my spiritual path
- content with not analyzing things all the time
- relying on meaningful faith rather than persistent doubt
- more sure of my direction in life
- more confident in myself and not trying to always please others
- more in a state of contentment and equanimity
- more relaxed
- more able to pay attention to what is important to me instead of endless distractions
- all-embracing
- devoted to God and attaining liberation
- able to pay more attention to what is going on in the moment without losing sight of where I am going
Peter Murphy Wants to Be:
- someone who is flexible, but fair.
- Finding purpose without excessive attachment.
- Staying true to myself and being kind to others.
- Seeking connection over fear while also finding peace in solitude.
- Finding balance between work, relationships, and personal time.
- Not asking a lot, but being treated fairly for what I contribute.
- Faithful in a higher power
- Connected to nature, good food, & adequate rest
- Curious about the world
- With a healthy sense of gratitude
Beka Kavtaradze Wants to Be:
- I want to be someone with the lovingness of a dog, offering unconditional support and warmth to everyone I meet.
- I also want the confidence of a cat, knowing my worth and never settling for less than I deserve.
David Granirer Wants to Be:
I want to be kind and make a difference in this world
Sileah Grant is Already This Person:
A kind and caring loving knowledgeable person ready to assist another in their needs. No matter how big or small. Knowing enough to push the person in the direction with less challenges to help themselves along their way. Being open in order to inspire each person I come in contact with. Seeing each persons center of potential and encourage them to be bold as they climb the ladder to their successful outcomes, doing the best they can. To always think positive and believe in and love themselves.
Kira Labinger Wants to Be:
- I want to be more and to do more and to think less.
- I want to be able to peacefully sit with and accept all of myself – the good, the bad, and the ugly.
- I want to be more constructive than destructive with myself and others.
- I want to be a better friend to myself and others.
- I want to be someone who helps change the legal term from pet owner to pet caretaker.
- I want to be in a 55+ dance group.
- I want to be a proud New Yorker once again.
Cate Wants to Be:
- A writer, (I created a magazine- type book 📕 journal as a child and was praised by my wonderful parents.)
- an editor
- a member of the lower east side counter culture community of the 60s & 70s as an Allen Ginsberg-esque peer-poet, and/or a musician
- An archaeologist was a real dream.
- A museum curator.
- A chef.
- A buyer for exclusive dept. stores like Lord and Taylor, Bloomingdale’s, B. Altman’s, etc.
- As a child I was very intent on figuring out a life plan-job/career. One dream was modern dance and ballet 🩰.
- And ideas that came to mind was a house painter, a baker, a teacher.
- A fine artist.
- A Wonder Woman (like the latest Gal Godot W.W.), a Xena, an office worker, factory worker, or night time stock helper 😶🌫️
- A world traveler 🧳
- A monk.
Orna Nachum of Israel Wants to Be:
- אני שואפת להיות אדם טוב.
- אני פועלת למלא את עצמי באנרגיה טובה. נמצאת בתהליכי מודעות והיזכרות למי שאני באמת .
- משתדלת לזהות את הצרכים של האחר ולהעניק כפי יכולתי.
- אני אופטימית.
- I strive to be a good person.
- I work on filling myself with positive energy.
- I am in the process of self-awareness and rediscovery of who I truly am.
- I try to recognize the needs of others and give as much as I can.
- I am optimistic.
The Person Christina Bruni Wants to be This Year:
- A humanitarian taking on volunteer projects.
- A person whose radical ideas help to create positive change in the world.
- My third goal is to revive the Bruni in the City column for cityvoicesonline.org. As an author I can be a beacon of light love and laughter for readers everywhere.
Jen Padron Hopes to Stay:
- Giving
- Open
- Lovelorn
- Cute and sometimes Adorable
- Trusting
- Dependable
- Creative
- Smarter than most
She is Working on:
- Being more patient
- Be loving
- Be a gf most will be happy to be with
- Create Godblessit
- Learning aws to host my 1st Streaming App in 25
- Be at Peerpocalypse 25
- Seeing Iden Laura Braunwynn Lauren Janice Dan Sean
- Staying robust and fit
- Cancer free
- Learn to not fear horses
The Person Jenna Ritter Wants to Be:
- ever curious;
- nurturing of supportive community & myself;
- accepting of the structures required in my life to be productive;
- grateful every day;
- to hold a healthy balance of “me” time & “we” time
Who Mary Clista Dahl Wants to Be & Who She Is:
- A former mental health patient turned practitioner.
- A teacher and student in the academic area of integrated health.
- A serving member of my community.
- An author, speaker and listener.
- So…
- I am now a PhD student.
- Speaking and writing on listening, love, joy and health topics.
- serving the recovery community in a myriad of ways including creating programming, sponsoring individuals and sharing resources.
- guesting on podcasts to spread my encouraging message.
Kathryn Fazio Wants to Be:
- I want to be who I am.
- I want to be a person who cares about my fellow men and women.
- I want to care about the best interest of children.
- I want to be a person that leaves a situation better than I found it.
- I want to assist others to see the poetry within them and to express it in this magnificent miraculous world with all its creatures and differences.
- I want to be a person who is kind and cares about the suffering of others.
- I want to be a tube of salve that heals the heartache of others and cares about their families.
The person Virginia Simpkins Wants to Be:
- Patient, always patient with others. I will suffer long to allow others to be themselves.
- I will know how to gracefully and calmly leave situations that harm me.
- I will understand that I can get my needs met as I become more and more able to advocate for myself *in calmness and respect for all concerned.*
- I will accept that I sometimes won’t get my way or get a need met and that this is a part of life.
- I absolutely won’t lose my temper. The momentary release isn’t worth the long-term damage to relationships around me.
- May I do *all things in love.*