NYAPRS Legislative Day 2020

NYAPRS’ annual Albany Legislative Day on February 25th brought upwards of 550 passionate self and system advocates to Albany to press for this year’s member priorities, including: 3% across the board hikes for NY human services nonprofits; passage of landmark Solitary Confinement reform legislation; trauma-informed policy change; and many more issues.
NYS Office of Mental Health Commissioner Ann Sullivan and Senate Mental Health Committee Chairman David Carlucci roused our community and NYAPRS gave a well-deserved Lifetime Achievement Award to ACL’s Toni Lasicki. We engaged in an energizing rally below the State Capitol steps and marched our way into the Capital for our various meetings with our local legislators.
Great thanks are due to all of the brave attendees who got up very early in the morning to make the trip, the regional bus captains, and NYAPRS staff.
To learn how you can make the trip next year, email Carla Rabinowitz, [email protected] or call (212) 780-1400 x7726.
Photo credit: Kathryn Fazio