City Voices: Bringing Smiles to People with Mental Health and Addiction Challenges

Double Trouble

Double Trouble

Double Trouble has a mission and that is to provide a safe and comfortable environment for group members to discuss their issues with substance use and mental health challenges that may not be available at other traditional 12-step programs.

The name Double Trouble is well-suited and refers to the complexity of the dual diagnosis and how to help clients on their path to recovery. As fellow peers in this journey, we are able to disclose our challenges and coping tools with one another. It is very rewarding to connect with others who have similar experiences.

Double Trouble is based on the 12-step format. Although independent from AA, we follow its model and structure. Clients recognize they are powerless over their dual diagnosis without the help of the twelve steps and the guidance of others. Practicing honesty about one’s circumstance is a stepping stone in their recovery process.

Although spirituality is an important component to Double Trouble, we broach the subject delicately so as not to make group members feel uncomfortable. We do, however, maintain the value of having a higher power to rely on.

Clients are encouraged to work the 12-steps of the program, but at Double Trouble we also place a value on having an open dialogue and check-in from group members to discuss what is going on in their lives. We feel this sharing is vital to our effectiveness.

Group members are encouraged to share their experience, strength and hope. Sponsors are available to group members in order to support and foster growth.

Our plan is to establish a Double Trouble meeting at Gouverneur to serve the neighborhood and surrounding area.

Note: Meetings are held at Gouverneur Health on Thursdays from 6-7:00pm in the 1st floor café room. Enter Clinton street (Between Henry Street and Madison Street) and security will direct you to the café room. We invite you to be part of us. Email [email protected] for more information.

by Adam Stone