City Voices Interview with Dr Nicole Gruel

“The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.” – Joseph Campbell EMOTION =
Energy in Motion
Dr. Nicole Gruel has a PhD in Integral and Transpersonal Psychology. She’s a past Board Member of IANDS (International Association for Near Death Studies), Co-Founder of IANDS Sharing Groups Online, Mentor for Life Coaches at ACISTE (American Centre for the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences), Gifts Compass™ Advisor and Training Facilitator, past NSW/ACT President of the Australian Association of Psychological Type (AusAPT), certified Counsellor, and certified Life Coach with Strategic Intervention and ACISTE. She has also trained in various healing, movement, and energy psychology modalities.
Her latest book, The Power of NOTEs: How Non-Ordinary Transcendent Experiences Transform The Way We Live, Love and Lead was a finalist for the prestigious INDIES Book Award. Her other titles have been featured in leading Australian wellness magazines. Nicole speaks on stages around the world to promote a world of wellness on all levels.