City Voices: Bringing Smiles to People with Mental Health and Addiction Challenges



Email [email protected] or text (917) 702-8537 to help us with any of our existing and/or proposed activities:

Ideas & Activities for the Life Enhancement of Ourselves and Our Peers


  • to live our best lives
  • to build confidence 
  • to learn to connect with ourselves and others 
  • to pave our own way to greater love and awareness 
  • increasing daily practices of compassion within and with others
  • to recognize that presence to our own experiences allows for presence to all experiences

Current Activities:

City Voices (Website & Social Media) – Website content includes articles, interviews and other videos to educate and empower our peers. Social media such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter as tools to promote events, network, open dialogues, empower, inspire and stay connected.

PIPs (Peers in Person) – People with mental health and/or addiction challenges, friends, family and allies meet for outings in Central Park and other parks for outdoor experiences. Coffee shops and museums for indoor experiences. We encourage participants to connect, bond and have a good time in settings where the general public congregates.

Kracking UP (A Night of Mental Health Comedy) – People with mental health and/or addiction challenges are trained in comedy to perform a 6-minute routine at a live virtual and in-person event for a crowd of supporters as well as members of the general public. The comedy pokes fun at life’s challenges, transforming adversity into comedy gold. “Laughter is the highest form of coping mechanism,” said someone.

Crazy Talented: A Variety Show – Our community performing for ourselves and the general public. Includes singing, dancing, music, comedy, improv, poetry and other talents

The Friendship Squad – People who feel secure in their lives form friendships with their peers who may be experiencing challenges. Friends speak or text regularly and there is a 6-month minimum commitment to one another. Participants can be paired with their peers from other states, even other countries. The only barriers are language and access to communications technology.

Zoom Spirituality Group – Weekly (currently Saturdays) group that discusses all topics that are considered spiritual plus offers a safe space to share personal stories. Special events include poetry sharing, writing exercises and invited guests who are experts on spiritual topics.

Getting Our Groove Back (Overcoming Internalized Oppression Group) – Framing and sharing of our personal stories. Discussion of what makes us all human. Emphasis on our samenesses rather than our differences. Goal is for participants to emerge more comfortable in their skins when in public and while engaging with human beings who may not understand mental health challenges. Observation of challenging emotions and the need to be kind to ourselves as often as possible. Radical honestly with ourselves about how we are feeling moment to moment. Learning to experience our feelings fearlessly and tenderly, for they are our most important teachers.

Possible Future Activities:

Healing Exercises – Yoga, Tai Chi, Reiki, Qigong, meditation, stretching, and breathwork in an indoor or outdoor setting guided by an experienced practitioner for all levels.

Roleplay Workshops – Goal is to create greater comfort and ultimately greater confidence in human interactions (e.g., having a conversation with someone in public, in a job interview, when making a new friend, elevator pitches, networking, learning to introduce ourselves in a positive and engaging manner, finding commonalities, using humor to break the ice, etc. etc.)

Self-Compassion/Self-Love Exercises – Needs more thought. Your ideas are welcome.